


Fetal Monitoring

Fetal monitoring using imaging modalities such as ultrasound is essential for overall physiology, neurodevelopment, cardiac and renal functions, monitoring fetal hypoxia and the musculoskeletal system. Automating the process of image acquisition, automatic quality estimation, and AI- based tools for measurements and diagnosis will dictate research in this area.

Fetal Surgery

If one invention that can be mentioned in fetal medicine has changed the field, it must be fetoscopy. This endoscope- based intervention is used for several conditions. Fetoscopic laser surgery and flexible mini telescopes for better isualization have further enhanced the value of fetoscopy. But such equipment, skills to carry out surgery, and post- operative care infrastructure hardly exist in India. As it is a technology-based intervention, the area naturally will be at the top of the research list for IIT Madras.